Day 10: "But they have a Justin Bieber cardboard cut out there!"

*Hey there, this is another shoutout from Madie*

Cape Cod is quaint. There is really no other word to describe the picture perfect town sprinkled with beach houses, children running around in their swim suits, and the still quietness that the ocean has to offer.

We spent two nights and a day at Lauren's dads house in Sandwich. As you can tell from the last two posts we were completely spent and decided to let Cape Cod be a relaxation destination. Lauren graciously let me sleep in till the ridiculous time of 12:30 (no overly harsh judgement please).

Upon my awakening, we lounged with her step-mother, Connie, until we formulated a relax plan that entailed a visit to the beach followed up with dinner of clams and lobster.

I.Love. The. Beach. I practically swooned at the sight of the sapphire blue Atlantic Ocean with the light, sandy dunes in the foreground. We set our towels down on the rocky, pebbly beach and held our breath as we stepped in the freezing water. The further out we went, the more the cold took away your breath and it came to the point of either turning around or total submersion. With the intense desire of having the experience of swimming in the ocean overcome my complete dislike for cold, I took a deep breath and went under. Brrrrrrrr! Surfacing from the cool, crisp water made me feel like a mermaid, I totally felt like a six year old girl.

Lauren and I took a swim around the jetty because we're rad like that. Ocean water is so salty and yummy and cold and since we were so far up north it was shark-free! (Fist pump to that!)

Our dip in the ocean was followed by laying out on the dunes and walking along the board walk. Can anyone say ideal?!

We headed back home for a dinner composed of sea food. It was my first time eating both clams and lobster, (again, no harsh judgment please). If I had
to describe the yumminess that is clams, I would tell you that they are exactly what you would think the ocean would taste like if it was condensed into a small, edible form. On the other hand, I'm not that big of a fan of lobster. Sad day I'm sure is what many of you are saying, but I just didn't like the sweetness of it is all.

We ate dinner around the tv and should I tell you that we watched The Hangover? And should I tell you that we laughed? Really hard.

What a wonderful, needful day of rest! I think I could live in Cape Cod too.


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