One Step Enough

I count that hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light,"* amongst my favorites.  I haven't really ever understood why it was so poignant to me, as I am a take-the-bull-by-the-horns kind of gal.  Perhaps it is because I have felt keenly in my life when my path has been lead by the Savior and I have learned from experience what miracles are wrought when I let go of the reins.  Or, it could be because it's in a lower octave and my voice sounds really good when I sing it.  Who knows.

Regardless, I had an experience the first night of our road trip that reminded me of this hymn and really brought it home.  We had driven many, many miles and we were both tired.  We had found, however, a state park that promised to be "Colorado's answer to Lake Powell," which, obviously, was intriguing.  I was driving and Madie slept and it was pitch dark (because apparently Colorado can't be bothered to put up street lamps).  On and on I drove, on increasingly windy, narrow roads.  Due to the aforementioned total lack of street lights, I could barely see the road and had a very hard time knowing when the next jutting bend would come.  I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me, even with my brights on, and I found myself yearning for more light to be shed on the road before me. 

In that absence, I was grateful for the brightly colored lines on the pavement below.  You see, they were the only assurance that I had that I was still on the road.  Just stay between these lines, I thought, and the likelihood of anything bad happening will plummet.  I placed my faith in those lines, and those lines guided me home...errrr...Navajo State Park (which cannot, by the way, be construed in any light to be even close to the majesty of Lake Powell).  

So here's the big punchline:  The entire time I was driving in these dimly lit winding roads, I sang to myself
Lead, kindly light amidst th'encircling gloom, Lead thou me on.  The night is dark and I am far from home.  Lead thou me on.  Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see the distant scene; one step enough for me.

I just...started singing it.  I didn't think about the symbolism of it until much later, when, the windows were down, the mosquitoes were buzzing and I was unable to sleep because it was hot as Hades.  It occurred to me that not only is one step enough, but I am also so grateful for the terms of the covenants I have made with my Father.  You see, as long as I stay within the parameters that the Lord has set in His commandments, I shall not fear.  I cannot veer off the road if stay between these lines, even if I can't see more than just a few feet ahead.


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