When I was in the second grade, I didn't just want glasses. I yearned for them. You see, I had an American Girl doll. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. I had Molly... kind of. You see, I actually had Samantha, because my sister's name was Samantha. But I really wanted Molly. The glasses-ed, plaid-wearing, nerdy American Girl doll. And, since the only difference* between Samantha and Molly were glasses and a fifty-eight dollar outfit, I got Samantha, but kind of also Molly. Thus began my love affair with glasses.
Starting the day I received my Samantha doll (and Molly outfit), I begged my mom for glasses. Even though I didn't need them. At all. I even asked Santa for a pair of glasses. And, Lo! and Behold! Santa came through for me. For the Christmas of my eighth year, I received a $5.99 pair of those reading glasses from the drug store. Gold rimmed and +0.25 lens strength, I was a stylin' second grader.
(I know what you're thinking and, indeed, I have been a dork from the womb.)
And then the day came when my mom realized that I need glasses for real. Mwahahaha my evil plan had worked.
Since then, I have been glasses'd.
And then there's my family. We are - how you say? - optically challenged. There's my uncle Phil:
And Uncle Charles:
And then there's my Aunt Kay, after whom I am named:
And, of course, my own mother...
Well, I have a confession: I have joined their ranks.
P.S. Just to further my hypocrite-ism, can I just say how rad I think all of my family's glasses are? Except maybe my mom's Elton John glasses...
Awesome. I especially love your mom's glasses in that last pic. I think you should bring those back. Sassy girl. I love you! xoxo
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