So here I was, lounging on my miracle foam mattress, with the breeze and the freshly cut grass and all that summery intoxication (not literal intoxication, I promise,
To be fair, I have had a few experiences leading up to tonight's victory.
I have started running in the evenings. I take a three mile loop, first going away from the mountains, down south, then back east and north. I save the eastern and northern legs of the run for last because that's when I get to see the silvery moon light up the looming silhouettes of those mountains I love so dearly. I am, without exception, sweaty and ready for the run to be over by the time I reach this part of the loop... and yet I smile all the way home because I get to drink in the Rockies.
Then last night, Mad and I went to the Rooftop Concert Series at Provo Town Square to see Mindy Gledhill and Meaghan Smith. It was totally rad. Apart from the fact that Madie and I got to let our hipster selves run free reign (think full vintage skirts and boy scout assistant scoutmaster shirts), it was just one of those perfect nights where love envelopes you whole. Mindy Gledhill totally stole the show (even though I'm fairly certain she was supposed to be a side attraction) and I just found myself unable to resist smiling throughout the evening. The happiness of that place and all of those people reverberated alongside the guitar. It was totally infectious. And I found myself thanking the powers that be that I'm here in Provo.
Man, I'm such a sap. I just thought you should know that I'm totally aware of what a lame post this is. But still, I love my life. And in a world filled with complaint and sarcasm and pessimism, that's gotta be something worth sharing.
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